IT all started one month ago (to the date of that very unfortunate day - wee hours of Aug 25).
The month of August was much anticipated...the Olympics, Climbathon and Sabah Shell Press Awards. I enjoyed the Olympics and shortly after it ended, came the climbathon from Aug 23-24, dua hati lah konon mau pi kundasang becoz sudah tujuh tahun turut-turut sia cover, well make it eight lah this year and I went there to report for the Borneo Post, tidak berapa syok ni tahun coz at the same time many events were happening in Kota Kinabalu. Ni tahun kami tdk pun pigi karaoke di hotel perkasa (now nama tu hotel sudah changed but sia tia tau...lupa dah) minum-minum, cuma pi ranau, minum whisky yang Roy Goh bawa then balik bilik tidur.
So, lepas ja abis di kundasang, turun KK lah and kira-kira jam 6pm sampai, pas ambil bini then terus p beli batik (bini yang pilih and memang cantik, harga baju baru RM29.90) untuk pakai di Press Award.
Tersangkut juga lah satu award tu malam which was Merit Award for Sports Journalism (Memang sia jangka sudah tu coz rival paper punya entry kuat), menang RM500 pun happy juga lah.
I was tired after a hectic week and becoz of that, I think it made me wanted to drink more during the Press Award (free flow mah siapa tia mau kan). memang minum banyak lah tu beer tapi satu silap sia was failing to learn from past lesson - Sia campur campur minuman tu malam. I simplified it to this equation BEER + CHIVAS = MALAPETAKA.
I said so becoz in 2001 the same thing happened, I was tired, minum banyak and campur with red wine lah tu masa, akibat dia I fell asleep while driving and ended up masuk longkang di depan tanah perkuburan kionsom.
Fast forward it to Aug 25, 2008, I decided to go back home at around 2:30am and after a male friend that I could not recalled baik hati called me to ask whether I'm okay to drive. I told him I was okay and then ended the telephone conversation. The next thing I knew, Malapetaka struck.
I ran over a roundabout in Tanjung Aru and ended up with three torn tyres and a damaged crank case (yang bekas engine oil di bawah kereta). I still managed to park it nicely in front of a nearby supermarket before policemen in a patrol car came. I kept calm and admitted drunk driving, so minta tolong Roy ambil lah antar pulang but si Willie ngam2 limpas sama kawan dia so tumpang dia lah p kopungit. Sia tau bini marah betul tapi dia professional and asked whether sia okay lagi(lucky ada bini yang penyayang).
The next morning sia pi ambil lah kerate mau antar p workshop and my goodness, sia tingu tu track tayar di roundabout, that was when i noticed i just missed a lamp post and concrete decoration at the roundabout by a whisker, meaning sia jalan di tengah-tengah and if I had langgar one of those, memang teruk lah tu kereta or more importantly nyawa sia.
Body kereta tiada apa-apa cuma scratches di front bumper. So tayar and crank case saja lah, after sudah buat semua the total cost was RM857...menang RM500 pun tidak cukup mo bayar.
Tetapi, that was not the worse thing that happened to me. Itu semua sia tidak kisah but this one incident...betul betul very unlucky...pepatah melayu Sudah Jatuh Di Timpa Tangga Memang ngam lah to describe me that morning.
While waiting for the tow car to arrive, I went to the bus station to find shelter from the hot morning sun. Suddenly, bau tahi pula. Sia cari-cari di bus stop tiada pula until sia cek kasut sia, adumak!!!!! sia terinjak tahi, kalau sikit tia apa, satu tapak kasut kanan sia. To make matter worse, itu bukan tahi anjing atau binatang, tapi orang punya...tia tau orang gila mana p berak d celah-celah tu bunga-bunga behind tu bust stop...memang malang lah nasib sia tu pagi.
Anyway, more or less three weeks have passed and all are back to normal.
Thank God...I could still see and be near with the people that I truly loves - Irene my wife especially, family members, relatives and friends.